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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 9, 2023

Lost of motivation

  I realized I gradually slowed everything down. I can't find the motivation to go to the gym every day like usual. I can't find the inspiration to turn on my computer and study IELTS with passion.  Wake up early, spend 30 minutes just for nothing (I just sit and think what I want to do). Go to the gym at 5 o'clock on Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday just because I pay money to hire a personal training. Programming, just because my club force my to do.   I no longer voluntarily do everything related to self-training. I just do because I am forced to do.  The only thing that can force me to study now is a vague belief in the future.  I didn't spend my time studying math and physics after I completed the 10-minute math test at school.  I can't force myself to learn things I like when I'm not motivated. I wish someone would force me to study.  Today, when I opened the note, to find where I am now, I realized I was so far behind. It's only been 2 weeks since th...


 I let overconfidence get the best of me. The IT test seemed too straightforward for my skill level. But I did it worst.  I was the quickest to complete the test in my class. Just because I was too confident, I through I could easy solve it so I didn't test the program after I finished. I didn't check again my test.  Actually, this is not the first time. It's become a habit of mine, and I struggle to overcome it.  Haha, I have reminded myself many times that I have to check the test after I finish it, but in this important test I didn't do so, just because I was too confident. This will likely be a lesson I'll carry with me throughout my life.  Hopefully I'm still lucky enough to not fail.

When you have so many important things to do

 Study, extracurricular activities, club, relationship, family, etc. Too many things I need to worry about.  It's the season of joy and togetherness, which means, of course, I have approximately 1000 unfinished items on my to-do list. The list feels endless--and paralyzing. I'm having trouble in balancing theme, because everything are important to me.  I know to reach my goal, I have to study all day. But I can't. I spent all this afternoon just for go to CyberClass trips, to know what security was it, and spent all my evening just for my club I founded: CSC because the post on the page had flopped. And when I through I have done everything and I would study now, my friend text me, so I have to reply him. 2 more hour just for chatting until the day was over. Today, I have done nothing.  I understand that in order to achieve my goal, I need to dedicate my entire day to studying. But I don't have time to study because of my own in discipline. The above things are very ...