When you have so many important things to do

 Study, extracurricular activities, club, relationship, family, etc. Too many things I need to worry about.  It's the season of joy and togetherness, which means, of course, I have approximately 1000 unfinished items on my to-do list. The list feels endless--and paralyzing. I'm having trouble in balancing theme, because everything are important to me.

 I know to reach my goal, I have to study all day. But I can't. I spent all this afternoon just for go to CyberClass trips, to know what security was it, and spent all my evening just for my club I founded: CSC because the post on the page had flopped. And when I through I have done everything and I would study now, my friend text me, so I have to reply him. 2 more hour just for chatting until the day was over. Today, I have done nothing.

 I understand that in order to achieve my goal, I need to dedicate my entire day to studying. But I don't have time to study because of my own in discipline. The above things are very important to me, but just now. I need to remember that. For future, I have to study. I can only focus into one thing, to be able to achieve my goal. I have to choose, my happiness or my future.

 From this time and forever, I choose my future.

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Poor memory

No patience