17 years old lonely

 I am 17, an unemployed graduate, preparing for the college entrance examination. So let me tell you how lonely I am.

 I recharge for unlimited calls and talk to nobody. This lonely I am.

 I have no friend circle, not even a single friend with whom I can talk. I have bff, but we sometimes talk. My best friend is a guy, also introverted and quiet like me. I'm living with my family including my parents and younger sister. But I don't share everything with our family, however I'm quite friendly with mom still there are some limitations.

 I am an introvert so I'm not good at making friends. I use social media like insta and fb but I have no one with whom I can talk. Whenever I feel bored I just scroll them. I uninstalled my insta coz of my preparation. It wasted lots of time whenever I started scrolling reels. Scrolling alone.

 However, I'm happy to be alone. Just sometimes I don't like it because I don't have anyone to share my feelings :0

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Poor memory

No patience