Out of luck

 I seem to lack luck when it comes to individual tests, consistently performing poorly. However, in team contests, my luck takes a positive turn. I vividly recall a recent math test where I randomly answered 30 questions and got them all wrong. Similarly, last year, my random selections led to a mere 2 out of 10, the lowest score in my class. While I recognize that scores don't solely determine success, low grades do limit my opportunities for success.

 But in team contest (football as example), I won the first prize with my team, although I didn't do anything. Remember last year, I won the gold medal with my team too.

 I hope in the future, I will be lucky to success too, like in any contest. If I won't have enough luck to success, I will success by my skills. A real man makes his own luck. Yeah, I have to improve my skills now to improve my luck.

 Lately, I've been staying up late, not for studying or leisure, but for CODING! Engaged in an Arduino project focused on an enhance pomodoro timer (30 minutes work, 5 minutes plan, 5 minutes break), I find the process exhausting. Despite completing the project, I haven't noticed any improvement in my study habits. I attribute this to fatigue, possibly from staying up late frequently, or perhaps from excessive overthinking. I find myself constantly preoccupied with thoughts about my social communication skills, or rather, the lack thereof. This concern about my ability to interact socially makes me anxious about my future, questioning whether I'll struggle to earn a living and feel overly shy in social situations with friends.

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Poor memory

No patience