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Graduation Test Diary

 Hello, I have only 13 days left until the high school graduation test. Sometimes, I feel nervous about my mark and my future. I know I can not get high score. But it isn't the main reason why I feel nervous. The main reason make me feel nervous is how can I get into the university I want.  I want to study aboard. I use all my time to make my profile beautiful, and I received the passing results after all. But with only the passing results, I couldn't enter that university. The OIA of that university want me to send my official graduation diploma to them in July, but I couldn't because according to the requirements, I need to provide my graduation certificate by July 25th to receive the official admission letter. However, according to Vietnamese regulations, students only receive a temporary graduation certificate after July 17th, with the official diploma being issued three months later, at the earliest by the end of September. When I explained to the International Admissi

What's scarier than physical exhaustion

 I'm tired. Near the graduation date, I'm so worried about my future. My school posted an article on their Facebook fan page about my success in enrolling the Yang Ming Chiao Tung University. Everyone knew about it, but they didn't know if I couldn't get the official high school diploma in July, I couldn't study at that university. The university doesn't understand about Vietnam rule, Vietnam only provide temporary certificate to student, and the official certificate only provide to student in September. This put me on fire. I even asked the Teco this afternoon to contact the MOE of Taiwan, but they didn't help me.  My plan was to study all afternoon today, but I couldn't follow it. I'm tired— not physical exhaustion, but mental exhaustion. This afternoon, my dog bit Ms. Nguyet, a woman who lives next to my house. She yelled, and I think all my neighbors knew about it. Maybe my parents have to apologize to her and compensate her with a large amount o

Lost a lot of money to buy a stupid iPhone because of trusting people

 My friend K told me about a web name chotot, which sell a lot of cheap old machines. I want a new phone, so I found a cheap old iPhone on that website. I spent 3 days only to find the best iPhone and best price, and I decided to buy iPhone 13 Pro Max by a person. He said his mom used it, so he sold only 11 millions dong. I never buy an iPhone before, so I didn't know how to check if it legit. And guess what, he said the iPhone had the original screen came from Apple. I still don't know why I believe him. The iPhone didn't have the True Tone, and the screen burn in. That make it less than 11 millions dong. So I bought an expensive iPhone.  When I came home, I couldn't use the haptic touch. I didn't know if the function of the iPhone not working right or all of the iPhone like that. Guess what, when I came to the shop, they said my iPhone is fall down so the speaker is dented, the vibrate is broken. That's why the old user replaced the screen.  I regret about how

How I give away my iPad 3

 I won a scholarship to study in Taiwan. Even though I didn't win the scholarship to study in Australia, I was still happy because I would become an international student.  Besides my happiness, I feel sad about giving away the iPad 3 for free. Today, I went with my best friend to survey the price of an iPad 3. They said my iPad broke the screen and  broke the  battery, so they couldn't buy it. I understand.  It took us two hours  just  to ask.   Couldn't  sell the iPad,  we went on our schedule ,  to Van Phuc flea markets.  The seller here defines my iPad price as only 20k dong. I couldn't believe it. After asking many shops, a man finally bought my iPad with 50k dong. I didn't want to sell it, but my best friend told me to sell it because I couldn't sell it in the future. I sold it and got 50k dong.   You  believe me? I lost 50k dong when I went back to my home. After selling the iPad for 50k dong, I immediately put the money in my backpack and coat. It rained

Dunno what to do

 I lost my motivation. Let me explain.  I won the second prize at the National Piano Festival last month. I told my teacher a few days ago, and she posted it on the Internet. Now, everyone in my school knows that. They always ask me to going out, because they saw the prize I won: 100 million. Actually, it was a voucher, I will have long time to exchange it to money.  What bothers me is that they also ask about my aim to study abroad in Taiwan. I'm not sure if I can do it, but now the whole school knows. So, if I fail to study abroad, it will be very humiliating. Aww!  Today, I don't want to do anything. I don't know what I want. I caught a cough and runny nose, and it has made me tired for a week. I played games, scrolled Facebook, watched short videos, and followed everyone's posts and comments on my post on the school page. I finished my survey contest for the final test yesterday. I wasn't good. I think next week everyone in my school will know a person who won t

New skill

 I have a new skill: don't care about how people think about me. I have practiced this skill over time, and it was very hard because it goes against my personality: selfish.  I used to love following trends. What my friends have, I must have. In my class, if my friends play in the lesson, I feel I must join them. This unintentionally caused me bad at studying many subjects. Studying while others play is difficult because it goes against my desires. However, I have to do that. I have a goal for my life: Study abroad. I can not reach my goal if I play.  Due to my peculiar personality, I have fewer friends in my class now. If it was me 1 year ago, I would care about that and try to please everyone. But me now, I won't. I accept that I become a nerd. A nerd can reach his dream. I found my dream place to study: Melbourne, Australia.  At present, I'm anxious because I have practice IELTS long times instead of play. I hope it will end after 2 months.

Lost track

 After much contemplation, I've finally grasped why I'm perpetually time-pressed.  I don't have goal. That's the reason. I realized it many times ago, and tried to fix it. I have written my goal many times, in Notion, in Plan, in Note of my life, in my Blog. I told myself that I overcame wasting time. But the problem is I never follow my goal.  I just realized it today because I've been learning about stock investment, even though I only have a month left before the IELTS test. I know making money isn't my main goal, but I don't understand why I'm spending all my afternoons on stocks instead of preparing for the IELTS. I even skipped makeup classes at school just to focus on stock investment.  Nah, knowing the problem, but to solve the problem is a different story. My ability to stick to a plan is pretty weak. I can manage it for only a day or two before going back to my usual habits.  Mentioned again follow the plan, one month ago, I told myself I have